Silent Etudes

This blog is a mysterious arrangement of merciless logic for a futile purpose. It's a place they turn the lights down low, the jigsaw jazz and the jet fresh flow. A place for the humble, the nimble, the inward and the handmade. A jam session where Django Reinhardt meets Ludwig Wittgenstein while listening to Baden Powell quoting Charlie Parker. A pithy palace of puns and subversions. A place for broken chords and backyard tropes.

Friday, June 16, 2006

For Shelley: Mont Blanc Re-mix

Mont Blanc Re-Mix
For Percy Bysshe Shelley

The everlasting universe of things
Lies crushed under killing microscopes,
Debauched by digital machinery
Consumed by bottomless greed

Of wonder devoid,
No awe to be had,
Scorned by man who reveres nothing,
Save that which is numbered and sold

In esteem the Albatross slayer we hold
And teach as virtue his murderous eye,
Oblivious to his warnings
We welcome the death sleep of his mates

If Shelley, Coleridge and Keats
At nature gazed today
Their mouths an unspeakable horror would voice
Their pens would fall from frozen fingers
Paralysis would grip them, despair would destroy them

The river Arve reduced
A tame diversion for sale
Mont Blanc conquered and humbled
Merely a theme park
Bottled, packaged and for a price consumable

Joe Buzzanga, March 2006


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